The WHS Migration Assistant (WHS2WHS)
is designed to help primarily with the planning of the data move from Windows Home Server to Windows Home Server 2011. There
are two versions of WHS2WHS: the basic version and the Pro version. The Pro version, in addition to the planning functions,
has functions for partially automating the actual data movements and other functions for saving, restoring and printing multiple
plans. NOTE: WHS2WHS Pro does not directly copy, erase nor move any data. It provides a planning template as well as a framework
for invoking other tools, using the plan as a guide.
Method of Operation:
Think of
the move operation as going from left to right. WHS2WHS presents a screen that
shows the shared folders from the source WHS system on the left, and the Volumes (drives) associated with the WHS 2011 system
on the right. This is due to the fact that WHS 2011 uses a different scheme for managing shared folders. Instead of locating
folders on a large pool of data that Drive Extender maps onto multiple drives, WHS 2011 requires the administrator to allocate
shared folders to logical disk volumes, which usually correspond directly to physical disk drives, but not necessarily. Technologies
such as RAID can be used to create logical volumes with various reliability and performance attributes comprised of multiple
physical drives. WHS 2011 works with the logical drives (or “volumes”).