To use a .BAT file with DVDProfileLoop, you must code the file to access parameters passed from the plugin.
For each DVD processed in the loop (filtered, flagged or tagged), the .BAT is called once. In addition, the .BAT file is called
once before any DVDs are processed (for setup), and once after all DVDs are processed (for cleanup). The "runflag parameter
is provided for you to know what is going on: runflag = 1 for setup, 2 for cleanup and runflag = 0 for DVD processing.
Two other non-data parameters are supplied: SequenceNo increments sequentially for each call to the .BAT
file, and ProfileNo increments sequentially for each DVD profile. As of release 1.3 these two are identical, as there is only
one call per DVD at this time.
The parameters are supplied to the .BAT file in order, %1, %2 ...
as they appear checked on the "Select Profile Data" window.
You can select all, any or none of the parameters supplied (about 100). DVDPL will attempt to automatically
determine which pareneters are needed by the .BAT file from the REM statements. For example,
Rem %1 = runcode (1 = start, 0 = run, 2 = finish) Rem %2 = Profile ID Rem %3 = title Rem %4 = Rating Rem
%5 = Tags Rem %6 = thumbnailfront path
Automatically selects runcode, Profile ID, title, Rating, Tags and thumbnailfront path to be passed to the
.BAT file in that order. Parameters are case semsitive and must be exactly as they appear in the selection window (up to but
not including " -"), including blanks. You can optionally modify selections after the automatic selection takes place, and
before the processing starts.
@echo off Rem Creates simple HTML files that should be compatible with most smartphones Rem
Uses folder {dvdpro}\plugins\dvdprofileloop\smartphone Rem You must check runcode, formated upc, title, UPC and thumbnail
front image path Rem In that case: Rem %1 = runcode (1 = start, 0 = run, 2 = finish) Rem %2 = Profile ID Rem %3
= title Rem %4 = Rating Rem %5 = Tags Rem %6 = CollectionType Rem %7 = thumbnailfront path if %1 ==1
goto :BEGIN if %1 ==0 goto RUN if %1 ==2 goto FINISH goto OUT :BEGIN if not exist smartphone md
smartphone if not exist "smartphone\thumbnails" md "smartphone\thumbnails" echo @echo off 1>copyfiles.bat echo
^<html^> 1>".\smartphone\smartphonelist.html" echo ^<html^> 1>".\smartphone\Ordered.html" echo
^<html^> 1>".\smartphone\WishList.html" echo ^<html^> 1>".\smartphone\ForSale.html" echo
^<head^> 1>>".\smartphone\smartphonelist.html" echo ^<title^>DVDProfiler Collection^</title^>
1>>".\smartphone\smartphonelist.html" echo ^</head^> 1>>".\smartphone\smartphonelist.html" echo
^<body^> 1>>".\smartphone\smartphonelist.html" Rem First Do Owned echo ^<h4^>My DVD Profiler
Collection^</h4^> 1>>".\smartphone\smartphonelist.html" echo ^<a href="smartphonelist.html"^>Owned^</a^>
^<a href="Ordered.html"^>Ordered^</a^> ^<a href="Wishlist.html"^>WishList^</a^>
^<a href="ForSale.html"^>For Sale^</a^> 1>>".\smartphone\smartphonelist.html" echo ^<HR^>
1>>".\smartphone\smartphonelist.html" Rem Then Clone To the others copy .\smartphone\smartphonelist.html .\smartphone\Ordered.html echo
^<strong^>Ordered^</strong^>^<HR^> 1>>".\smartphone\Ordered.html" copy .\smartphone\smartphonelist.html
.\smartphone\WishList.html echo ^<strong^>WishList^</strong^>^<HR^> 1>>".\smartphone\WishList.html" copy
.\smartphone\smartphonelist.html .\smartphone\ForSale.html echo ^<strong^>For Sale^</strong^>^<HR^> 1>>".\smartphone\ForSale.html" echo
^<strong^>Owned^</strong^>^<HR^> 1>>".\smartphone\smartphonelist.html" goto OUT :RUN echo
copy %7 .\smartphone\thumbnails\ 1>>copyfiles.bat if %5 == "'For Sale'" goto FORSALE if %6 == Owner goto
OWNED if %6 == Ordered goto ORDERED if %6 == "Wish List" goto WISHLIST :OWNED echo ^<p^>^<pre^>^<img
src=".\thumbnails\%2f.jpg"width="40" height="60" align="top"^> %2 Rated: %4^&^#10 %3^</pre^>^</p^>
1>>".\smartphone\smartphonelist.html" goto OUT :ORDERED echo ^<p^>^<pre^>^<img src=".\thumbnails\%2f.jpg"width="40"
height="60" align="top"^> %2 Rated: %4^&^#10 %3^</pre^>^</p^> 1>>".\smartphone\Ordered.html" goto
OUT :WISHLIST echo ^<p^>^<pre^>^<img src=".\thumbnails\%2f.jpg"width="40" height="60" align="top"^>
%2 Rated: %4^&^#10 %3 ^</pre^>^</p^> 1>>".\smartphone\WishList.html" goto OUT :FORSALE echo
^<p^>^<pre^>^<img src=".\thumbnails\%2f.jpg"width="40" height="60" align="top"^> %2 Rated: %4^&^#10
%3^</pre^>^</p^> 1>>".\smartphone\ForSale.html" goto OUT :FINISH echo ^</body^> 1>>".\smartphone\smartphonelist.html" echo
^</html^> 1>>".\smartphone\smartphonelist.html" call copyfiles.bat :OUT
@echo off Rem Creates HTML Section of of who's watched DVDs Rem Uses folder c:\watchedBy.html Rem
You must check runcode, title, allwatchedby Rem In that case: Rem %1 = runcode (1 = start, 0 = run, 2 = finish) Rem
%2 = title Rem %3 = AllWatchedBy if %1 == 1 goto :BEGIN if %1 == 0 goto RUN if %1 == 2 goto
FINISH goto OUT :BEGIN echo ^<html^> 1>"c:\watchedby.html" echo ^<title^>DVDs Watched By^</title^>
1>>"c:\watchedby.html" echo ^</head^> 1>>"c:\watchedby.html" echo ^<body^> 1>>"c:\watchedby.html" echo
^<h4^>DVDs Watched By^</h4^> 1>>"c:\watchedby.html" echo ^<HR^> 1>>"c:\watchedby.html" goto
OUT :RUN if %3 == "" goto OUT :WATCHED echo ^<p^>^<pre^>%2 ^&^#10 %3 ^</pre^>^</p^>
1>>"c:\watchedby.html" goto OUT :FINISH echo ^</body^> 1>>"c:\watchedby.html" echo ^</html^>
1>>"c:\watchedby.html" :OUT
@echo off Rem Creates HTML Section of DVDs tagged for sale Rem Uses folder {dvdpro}\plugins\dvdprofileloop\ForSale Rem
You must check runcode, Profile ID, title, Rating, Tags and thumbnail front image path Rem In that case: Rem %1 = runcode
(1 = start, 0 = run, 2 = finish) Rem %2 = Profile ID Rem %3 = title Rem %4 = Rating Rem %5 = Tags Rem %6 =
thumbnailfront path if %1 == 1 goto :BEGIN if %1 == 0 goto RUN if %1 == 2 goto FINISH goto OUT :BEGIN echo
^<html^> 1>"c:\forsale.html" echo ^<title^>DVDs For Sale^</title^> 1>>"c:\forsale.html" echo
^</head^> 1>>"c:\forsale.html" echo ^<body^> 1>>"c:\forsale.html" echo ^<h4^>DVDs
For Sale^</h4^> 1>>"c:\forsale.html" echo ^<HR^> 1>>"c:\forsale.html" goto OUT :RUN if
%5 == "For Sale" goto FORSALE goto OUT :FORSALE echo ^<p^>^<pre^>^<img src=%6 width="40" height="60"
align="top"^> %2 ^&^#10 %3 Rated: %4^</pre^>^</p^> 1>>"c:\forsale.html" goto OUT :FINISH echo
^</body^> 1>>"c:\forsale.html" echo ^</html^> 1>>"c:\forsale.html" :OUT
@echo off Rem Creates HTML Section of Tagged DVDs Rem Uses folder c:\tagged.html Rem You
must check runcode, title, Tags Rem In that case: Rem %1 = runcode (1 = start, 0 = run, 2 = finish) Rem %2 = title Rem
%3 = Tags if %1 == 1 goto :BEGIN if %1 == 0 goto RUN if %1 == 2 goto FINISH goto OUT :BEGIN echo
^<html^> 1>"c:\tagged.html" echo ^<title^>DVDs Watched By^</title^> 1>>"c:\tagged.html" echo
^</head^> 1>>"c:\tagged.html" echo ^<body^> 1>>"c:\tagged.html" echo ^<h4^>Tagged
DVDs^</h4^> 1>>"c:\tagged.html" echo ^<HR^> 1>>"c:\tagged.html" goto OUT :RUN if
%3 == "" goto OUT :TAGGED echo ^<p^>^<pre^>%2 ^&^#10 %3 ^</pre^>^</p^> 1>>"c:\tagged.html" goto
OUT :FINISH echo ^</body^> 1>>"c:\tagged.html" echo ^</html^> 1>>"c:\tagged.html" :OUT